NPCC Abnormal Load Guidelines during current COVID-19 Restrictions to be withdrawn

DfT Officials at DfT confirm “something got lost in translation” commenting on recent NPCC guidance. The DfT absolutely agree with industry that if the load is self-escortable it can carry on as normal. If operators are moving loads for a commercial purpose (and not for fun!) then the movement can absolutely go ahead.

We received the following information in an email from ESDAL

Further to the communication of 21st April (made on behalf of DfT and the police), we have received concerns that the guidance would restrict business operations including of self-escorted abnormal loads notified to the police. That is not the intention of the guidance. It is intended that these movements should continue as before. Indeed, the intention is to enable as close to business as usual given in the current circumstances, in respect of abnormal loads. 

Please proceed with the previous approach to notifications whilst the guidance is considered further, including with representatives of operators.

On 1st May 2020 we received the following response from DfT:

In respect of the NPCC guidance, following further discussions NPCC is intending to withdraw the guidance and circulate the following statement to forces shortly. When that is been confirmed we will circulate a short note to stakeholders via ESDAL including with a contact point in case systematic problems develop in the future in particular forces areas that cannot be resolved locally. Thank you for your time and input on this matter.

Update on advice re: Abnormal Indivisible Loads

On 17th April we published advice to police forces on the movement of abnormal indivisible loads during lockdown restrictions. The advice was prepared in consultation with the Department for Transport (DfT), following some industry concerns, to ensure important loads continued to be moved in support of critical national infrastructure and wider economic factors.

Feedback suggests that the majority of forces have continued to operate business as usual and although the advice was designed to assist forces ‘triage’ requests for support or permissions appropriately, it is in fact no longer needed. Therefore, with this in mind, we encourage forces to simply operate as they always have done and should there be any particular concerns individual forces will be contacted directly.

Please report any anomalous Police behaviour to the HTA –