Although the 3-month extension of MOTs for HGV and PSV vehicles is welcomed at the HTA, they believe that this extension will not be sufficient to clear the backlog of vehicles as the ATFs will simply not be able to cope with the extra demand due to the lack of DVSA testing staff.
So, the Heavy Transport Association, which is coordinated by one of our solicitors, Richard Turnbull, got in contact with the DVSA to propose further extension of 6 months.
Below is an extract from the proposal letter that was sent to the DVSA by the Heavy Transport Association.
‘The HTA is aware that Approved Test Facilities (ATF) typically run at full capacity to inspect Millions of HGV and PSV vehicles throughout the UK to meet their annual MOT. We also understand that a 3 month extension has been granted for MOTs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is to be welcomed but we do not think a 3 month extension will be sufficient to clear the backlog of vehicles as the ATFs will simply not be able to cope with the extra demand due to the lack of DVSA testing staff.
Whilst we appreciate you will be monitoring the situation and keeping matters under review it is difficult for our members to plan on a day to day basis without certainty, so we would like the extension to be granted for a minimum period of 6 months (we would prefer 12 months). This decision should be with immediate effect with an undertaking from Government to review the situation and extend the period further as the situation requires.’
To view the full proposal sent to the DVSA, please click here.